Nov 21 2024
The Crosse

Our mission at Big Walnut Lacrosse is to have as many children as possible involved, for as long as possible, in the best conditions possible.
We believe strongly in the power of sport to teach life lessons and actively strive to create a positive, supportive, inclusive atmosphere that challenges players to focus on respect for themselves, their teammates, the officials, and the coaches. We are “everyone plays,” but we are not participation trophies. We love to win, but we are not win at all costs. We strive for balance between the natural competitiveness of sport and the joy of simply playing.
We recognize, however, the value of a Big Walnut tournament team as an important stepping stone in our players’ growth for those who wish to play at a higher level.
The mission of the BWLA’s tournament team is to provide a positive competition-focused experience for players and parents who seek it. While the foundational tenets of our youth developmental program will carry over, the purpose of the BWLA’s tournament team will be to prepare players for the competition and culture they can expect to see at the middle school and high school levels.
Our club’s name, The Crosse, is aligned with our purpose – to help rising 6th- and 7th-grade players cross over from the developmental-based youth program to the competition-focused middle school and high school experience.
Our intent is to provide that “travel”-esque experience for players and families who seek it while reaffirming the aspirational goal of playing for our Big Walnut middle school and high school boys and girls teams.
We have intentionally eliminated tryouts to create a positive atmosphere that recognizes a player’s potential and growth while helping players navigate the internal competitiveness of a high-level select team. Instead, The Crosse will encourage and reward those players who demonstrate the commitment to playing at a higher level. Starting positions and game time will be earned through a combination of attitude, effort, and ability, including coachability. The only promise is the opportunity to grow as a player.
While competition will become a focus of the tournament team, The Crosse will support and encourage players to pursue their passion for the game and develop their skills and LAX IQ.
All Spring 2024 The Big 'Nut 5/6 players are eligible.
Registration will run from Saturday, March 23rd through Sunday, April 7th at
What is The Crosse?
The Crosse teams are Big Walnut Lacrosse’s tournament teams for rising 6th- and 7th-grade players. The purpose of these teams is to prepare players for the competition and culture they can expect to see at the middle school and high school levels.
What is the cost?
Sunbury VFW Post 8736 has generously sponsored our The Crosse teams, helping us to keep the cost of registration to $65. This fee covers the cost of a personalized The Crosse jersey for each player.
Are there tryouts?
We have eliminated tryouts to create a positive atmosphere that recognizes a player’s potential and growth while helping them navigate the internal competitiveness of a high-level select team.
What does The Crosse season look like?
The Crosse season begins immediately following the spring season, and all players must have participated in the spring season to be eligible for The Crosse teams. Teams will practice 2-3 times per week at Freedom Park and play in 2 local tournaments. The Crosse season is fast – like the game itself – to ensure players who belong to summer club teams are able to do both
if they choose.
The Crosse Boys will play at LaxJam in New Albany on Sunday, May 19th, and the Ohio Cup at Fortress Obetz on Sunday, June 2nd.
The Crosse Girls will play at LaxJam in New Albany on Sunday, May 19th, and Buckeye Elite in Dublin on June 1st and June 2nd.
Why not just take the spring teams to these tournaments?
There are two main reasons why we do not extend the spring season to tournaments. First, cost. As we all know, the cost of entry into the sport of lacrosse is steep. Adding additional tournaments and coaching to our spring budget would bring the cost of registration out of range for many families. Two, the objective of The Crosse is different from our spring season. The Crosse is more competitive, with playing time decisions made by the coaches and earned through a combination of attitude, effort, and ability, including coachability. Some spring players may not want that experience, and that’s OK. Some may also have other sports, family, or personal interests that would not be possible if the spring season were extended into June.
Who are the coaches?
Coaches Josh Hageman and Nathan Montgomery will be returning for their third year to coach The Crosse Boys. Both graduates of Big Walnut High School, Josh was a goalie at Mount Vernon Nazarene University, and Nathan plays midfield at Capital University. The Crosse Girls will be coached by Abby Reagan and Molly Ballard. Both graduates of DeSales, Molly is currently playing defense with Slippery Rock Lacrosse, and Abby is a goalie with the University of Mount Union.
Why aren’t the spring season coaches coaching The Crosse?
The timing of The Crosse allows us to bring in college players, some of whom are Big Walnut alums, to provide players with a unique experience and grow our “pass it down” model. These coaches will be tasked with leading a more competitive team where expectations are higher than in the spring season for attendance, effort, and commitment to the team. This experience is separate from the spring season, and the coaching needs to be kept separate, too.